Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Airbags in Used Cars

The topic of airbags is not a sophisticated subject when shopping for one of the used cars in Belton, TX.People are generally more interested in the vehicle's color, if the car has the amenities like a stereo system, and the outward appearance in terms of styling. Airbags fall under the category of safety features, and we assume they are there and ready to operate when needed.

Understanding Airbags

Airbags are in some cars on the driver's side if built before 1998, but they are in all cars manufactured after 1998 on both the driver's and passenger sides. They are credited with saving thousands of lives. Tucked into the steering wheel and the dash, the transportation safety studies indicate that airbags can lower the risk of death in an accident by approximately 30 percent.

Airbags are now included in some model cars in several areas including dash, doors and the backseat. When you are shopping the auto sales in Belton, TX, the dealer can verify where the airbags are located and how many there are in the cars you are interested in knowing more about.

Airbags are manufactured out of a nylon fabric. There is a sensor that detects a crash and within fractions of a second can trigger the inflator. The activated inflator then rapidly fills the airbag with nitrogen gas. The entire effort only takes seconds because the bag must inflate quickly in order to prevent human injury.

Keeping Airbags Safe

Airbags have saved lives, but there are 3 important facts to keep in mind:

1. Seatbelts must still be worn because airbags work in front end collisions while seatbelts work in accidents occurring from any direction

2. You can't sit too close to an airbag and should try to leave at least 10 inches between you and the airbag by moving your seat back at least that far

3. It's important to follow safety guidelines concerning children and infants

If you leave at least 10 inches between an adult and the airbag, the risk of injury from the force of the inflating airbag is greatly reduced. Children and infants, on the other hand, need additional protection.

When you are considering buying any of the used cars a Belton, TX dealer is selling, be sure there are seat belts in the rear seat for passengers. The seat belts can be worn by an older child or adult, but can also be used to secure a rear-facing infant seat. Safety guidelines recommend that an infant under 1 year old should not be placed in a front seat in a rear-facing car seat if an airbag is installed on the passenger side of the car.

If the child is over a year old, a child should only ride in safety seat or wear a seat belt with shoulder restraint. The seat should then be moved back as far as it will go to put distance between the child and the airbag.

Combining Safety Features with Precautions

Airbags add an important element of safety to an auto, but you need to follow certain precautions. When you are perusing the auto sales in Belton, TX, be aware that most cars and trucks have airbags on both sides of the front seat and possibly in the doors.

If you are interested to know something more about Used Cars Belton, TX and Auto Sales Belton, TX then please visit our website

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